Key Takeaways
Today, there are 100 million+ people around the world who use ChatGPT to learn, create, and work. We at AI-Amigos are wildly enthusiastic about this and have therefore been watching the product update with popcorn. In this blog, you can read the new updates to ChatGPT from May 2024 and you can find the product update video at the bottom.
OpenAI releases the best ChatGPT model to date: GPT-4o.
In the words of OpenAI, the new flagship, GPT-4o. The great thing that immediately stands out is that the tool is available free of charge to everyone with all the features that were previously hidden behind the paywall. For example, the GPT Store is open to anyone who wants to use or create a pre-prompted GPT. Or use GPT Vision, for example, upload your written notes as a photo and let GPT write a summary of them. The last and probably the most important: GPT Memory. From now on, ChatGPT remembers all conversations and it's even possible to actively look up call history. The big advantage is that you now only have to indicate something once instead of in each prompt. In addition, OpenAI ensures that the quality has improved, ChatGPT is twice as fast and the paid version is 50% cheaper.
How does OpenAI ensure the safety of GPT?
During the product update, OpenAI also briefly stated that they take safety very seriously. No specific updates have been released about this, but they are talking to various specialists, governments and other security services to ensure that GPT is not used for crime.
Having a conversation with GPT-4o is a new experience!
After reading the blog, we at AI-Amigos strongly recommend that you talk to ChatGPT. You will notice how surprisingly smooth this goes, you have to experience this for yourself. Now you can even pause ChatGPT during the call and respond in real life. In addition, you can ask if ChatGPT can change emotions or, for example, imitate a Robot Voice. Singing lullabies to the kids is almost a thing of the past because of ChatGPT.
ChatGPT understands what you write down.
During the product demo, they combined the voice and photo functions to ask ChatGPT for help solving a math problem. In addition, they did not ask for the answer but for practical tips to solve it. Great new feature to let ChatGPT now help you with all your daily offline activities! Maybe he also knows how to get the guacamole stain out of my shirt. In addition, thanks to ChatGPT's desktop app, you can also share your screen. For example, you can talk to ChatGPT to analyze your code in real time or ask if it can write an analysis about your graph. The possibilities are endless and will have a great impact on today's business community.
What next?
Now that GPT-4o is out for everyone, it won't be long before Google and Meta come out with other updates, as read in this blog. It remains a battle for users. In addition, there were rumors that OpenAI would also launch a search engine that has not happened so far. Perhaps also in the future.